Do you see door hangers online or in the store that you love and wish you could create one yourself? Well, I found a wood frame sign at Walmart that has made it really easy. Check out how I used a handful of simple items to create a beautiful door hanger.
Here is what you will need:
- Walmart wood frame sign
- Your favorite flowers ( I used yellow thistle)
- Chalk Couture floral stencil (or any stencil you have)
- Chalk Couture paste or any crafters paint of your choice
- Small piece of ribbon your favorite ribbon (I used a polka dot ribbon from Dollar Tree)
- A wooden word such as “hello” or “welcome” etc..
- Painters tape
- Hot glue
First, I took the back off the wood sign. It is super simple to take apart. There are 3 little prongs on the back that hold it together. That’s it! Then I added 3 strips of painters tape to the round white part of the sign. I used 3 strips of tape because that is the width I needed for the wooden “hello” word to fit in.
Now, time for the stencil. I used a large floral Chalk Couture stencil and black Chalk Couture paste but you can use any stencil or pattern you have or love. I stenciled half of the circle at a time. I absolutely love this floral stencil!
Ooo! This next part is my favorite. I think it is the most satisfying part. I peeled back the painters tape to reveal a nice white band ready for my “hello” sign. Then I put the wood sign back together. Now for the embellishments. It really doesn’t get any easier than this.
Finally, I hot glued a “hello” sign to the white band I created with painters tape across the middle of the circle. The yellow Thistle I purchased from Walmart and wrapped a little piece of polka dot ribbon from Dollar Tree around the flowers then glued them down at the bottom of the circle sign. Voila… a beautiful door hanger!!!